Wednesday, June 27, 2007


If knowledge is the power, then information is the key. Finding out will bring you the keys to the kingdom. Lock a door on me, and you will experience a scorch of anger directed at you. This has something to do with claustrophobia, and something to do with exclusion. Especially lock me out of my own home or my own workspace, and I will explode with range. The jingle of keys in my hand is a powerful comforter. Piano keys – the expert spread of fingers upon ivory and black. What is the key and where is the door? Open, sesame. I would prefer a thumbprint to get into my house. I have spent hours searching for keys or waiting on a cold doorstep while I fumble in bags or pockets. I would like a silver key to the gates of St Peter which I imagine as made of lapis lazuli and mother of pearl. I would like to know how to unlock my mind, my creativity. I like boxes that lock without a key, puzzle boxes that no-one else can get into. I like a locked trunk with treasures from my past. I like a key to turn when I am inside the bathroom so no-one can get in and I am inviolate. I like a quay also – to stand and watch the water, watch the boats. A French detective could be Monsieur le Clef. What is the key motif of my life? Lack of focus, lack of drive. Dreams of locked doors and lost keys.


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